Does God Have You Standing In The Corner

I'm not feeling all that well right this moment. My daughter just disobeyed her mother, not for the first time over a specif issue, but around the 10 in the last couple of hours. I don't like correcting my daughter and that's because she just a child. She's pretty good most the time, yet she does have this stubborn rebellious thing going on lately. So, right now she's standing in the corner. I gave her a whole 3 minutes time out and in the last minute she's asked 5 times if she can get out of the corner.
As her Father, I give her my love, I encourage her, care for her and reward her when she does well. We play together, laugh together, and have lots of fun together. I spend quality time with her teaching her, and just doing some of the things she loves to do. However of lately I'm finding this new role, one that I have yet to walk in or had to walk in. Discipline, correction and sometimes a little tough love.
Our Heavenly Father chastises those whom he loves, He prunes us at times cutting away the bad branches so that we can be more fruitful.
Blessings, in the love of the Father
In His Glorious Name Ministries Online