Money Saved Is Money Earned

The wise steward stewards his or her money with wisdom. As Christians, God calls us to be wise stewards regarding many aspects of our lives and one of those aspects is our money. Over the years, I have learned to be very careful with my money in the sense of spending. Today $100.00 does last very long. With the cost of living, rents, mortgages, utility bills, insurance, medical needs and yes even the price of food. One must be wise and a wise steward to make ends meet.
One way to accomplish this is how and where we spend our money. A trip to the mall can get quite expensive. Even household cleaning items can add up quite quickly. I encourage you to look into buying some of your needs through online stores and websites. There are many great sites out there that offer quality products, great services and even offer free shipping at discounted prices. All you have to do is Google the item, product or merchandise that your in need of. It's simple, fun and well worth the rewards.
Saving money on the items you purchase puts extra cash in your pockets. :)