The Praying Business Man - Doing Things God's Way

Pray, Practice & Prosper - Doing Business God's Way.

Because our ways are not His ways, we have allowed ourselves to think about money and wealth incorrectly. As a result, in 2008, the United States experienced the worst global economic crisis since the Great Depression of 1930’s. Can it happen again? Of course. Can it be prevented? Yes, with the right attitude about the acquisition of personal and corporate resources.

This is a one year devotional book describing these attitudes and how best to put them into practice. This book focuses on the needs of those in the marketplace, spending the majority of their lives working at their career.

God can mold your character to become who and what God has called you to be. It is done through the gift of the Holy Spirit which creates a clear vision that will guide your daily choices. As you make these choices, following the leading of the Holy Spirit, you can develop habits that grow character, improve decision making and prosper every aspect of your life with the right attitudes. Your job IS your ministry and spending 40+ hours a week at work is a great opportunity to live life God called you to live... even as you prosper through it.

God's Power, God's Character, God's Love, God's Nature

Award Winning Author,
Judy Azar LeBlanc

The word theology tends to lead people to think that it is only meant for seminarian scholars; however, the word speaks for itself by the sole definition of "the study of God's Word." Theology 101 takes a fresh look at God's Power, Character, Love, Nature, and what the finished work of Christ meant to the world in bite size portions.

It offers scripturally based truths of some of the riches of His Divine Grace that include answers to thought provoking questions such as what is predestination; who are the chosen; the called, and the elect.

The author uses everyday language to explain what it means to be justified, reconciled, forgiven, and offers a clear and easy to understand explanation of why practicing merited grace contradicts Christ's finished work on the cross.

Joyce Meyer, Author Of Power Thoughts


Does Your Mind Wander? Are you bombarded with unhealthy, unfocused thoughts? Do you have trouble trying to get something out of your mind? You may be stuck in a mental rut. It’s time to get out! Joyce's upcoming book, Power Thoughts, will help you...

Take her bestselling book, Battlefield of the Mind, to the next level. Learn 12 specific thoughts to positively affect every area of your life. Learn how to think right thoughts on purpose, become decisive, confident and productive. Enjoy the powerful life God intended for you.

Defeat Your Enemy The enemy loves to put all kinds of wrong thoughts in our minds because he doesn’t want us to have the good things Jesus died for us to have. But Power Thoughts can help you defeat your enemy and live free from his lies once and for all. ~ Joyce Meyer


Author Donates 100% Of Proceeds To Fight Cancer

Kaylin McFarren, award-winning author brings you a powerful novel about love, loss, and the power of forgiveness...

Successful yet emotionally stifled artist Kate Flaherty stands at the deathbed of her estranged father, conflicted by his morphine-induced confession exposing his part in her mother's death. While racing home, Kate's car mishap leads her to a soul-searching discussion with a lone diner employee, prompting Kate to confront the true reasons her marriage hangs in the balance. When her night takes an unexpected turn, however, she flees for her life, a life desperate for faith that can only be found through her ability to forgive.
Kaylin McFarren's Flaherty's Crossing is now available for purchase in two formats: eBook & Trade Paperback
Find the PDF and eBook version at Fictionwise,, Amazon, All Romance Ebooks, CTR, Sony, Mybookstoreandmore, and Mobipocket.  Specify the Mobipocket version (.prc) for Kindles, and the .lrf for Sony readers.

For the trade paperback version, direct purchases can be made at:  Champagne Books
And don't forget! 100% of the proceeds from sales of this book go directly to cancer research at Providence Medical Center.

C.M. Tatevosian - It's Not All About Me

Chris M. Tatevosian
Life Interrupted - It's Not All About Me

Life Interrupted, It’s Not All About Me by Chris Tatevosian guides others with chronic illnesses to deal more positively with feelings of anger, self-pity and diminishing self-worth in order to keep their relationships strong and loving. Open, frank and filled with invaluable advice, this is a book for anyone who wants to deal positively with illness.

For more information about the author, the book and some great ministry visit Chris M.Tatevosian at Life Interrupted No Longer

The Mysteries Of The Kingdom Of God

A sower went out to sow his seed: and as he sowed, some fell by the way side; and it was trodden down, and the fowls of the air devoured it. And some fell upon a rock; and as soon as it was sprung up, it withered away, because it lacked moisture. And some fell among thorns; and the thorns sprang up with it, and choked it. And other fell on good ground, and sprang up, and bare fruit an hundredfold. And when he had said these things, he cried, He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.

And his disciples asked him, saying, What might this parable be?

And he said, Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God: but to others in parables; that seeing they might not see, and hearing they might not understand.

Heaven's Hopeful Romantic

Over and over in Scripture God shows Himself to be a Hopeful Romantic, often likening Himself to an intensely faithful husband and His people the beloved bride (Isa 54:5, 62:5, Jer 3:14, Jn 3:29, Ro 7:1-4, 2Co 11:2, Rev 19:7-9). The air is remarkably emotional, revealing, believe it or not, a lovesick and heart-smitten God--a God intent on wooing and winning His bride's devotion. Hosea's ordeal with Gomer, or Jacob's initial disappointment with Leah, could never compare to Yahweh's seemingly endless rocky relationship with His people, Israel and the church.
Consequently, those appointed to shepherd His bride are to embody this same romantic fervor and approach. She cannot be won with the severity of an iron fist (1Pet 5:3), nor the guile of manipulation (1Th 2:3-5), not even the magnetism of giftedness (1Co 13:1-3). For a person or group of people to be fully betrothed to the Christ-life, they must be romanced.

For more about the above teaching visit Junior Desouza Ministries

Author Phillip A. Ross, Pilgrim Platform Books

See into one man's theology turned rightside up by the love of Christ. A pastor, born again in the pulpit, encounters the world and the church in the light of the gospel — and everything changed.

Crisis of …

What? The American economy? The Stock Market? Eight years of Bush policies? How about a hundred years of liberal indoctrination!
If we can't see the right problem or see the problem rightly, we cannot find the right solution. If we don't understand the disease, we cannot prescribe a medication. Apart from a proper diagnosis, doing something may be worse than doing nothing. America is in serious denial of her real situation. Seeing the problem, putting the problem in the correct context, is everything.

What Can We Do?

The first thing to do is to see the problem in its proper context, its historical context, its cultural context. That is what these books are about, helping people see the problem from a biblical perspective. However, unrepentant sinners do not want to see what the Bible is trying to show us because the perspective of the Bible threatens them — and rightly so. For the past hundred years or so unrepentant sinners have had increasing control of American public education, media and even religious institutions. People have been steeped in godlessness for so long that they no longer even realize it. These books provide insight and instruction intended to repair the breaches.

Visit Pilgrim Platform Books to see books by Author Phillip A. Ross, some great ministry, biblical truths and much more.

Your Heart, Spritual Nutrition, Healthy Living

The Christian Heart & Life
Spiritual Nutrition

Healthy Eating for the Christian Heart focuses on the development of healthy spiritual habits by identifying five core spiritual nutrients and comparing them to their physical counterparts:

•Prayer is like water-vital for life and essential for survival.
•Bible study is like protein necessary for growth.
•Christian fellowship is like carbohydrates-gives us energy.
•Worship is like healthy fats-helps keep our hearts healthy.
•Thinking on good things is like vitamins-necessary for helping the othernutrients work effectively.

A must read book by Author, Christine Prescott of Your Spiritual Nutrition