Author: Theresa Franklin
ISBN # 978-1-936587-76-6 E-Book Edition
Review Date: January 3, 2012
Reviewed by CBM Christian Book Reviews
10.0 on a scale of 10.0 stars
"Triumph Through Trial, A Story of Renewal" by award winning Christian author Theresa Franklin is an endearing story of the Owens family who went from discord, contention and strife to a new life full of renewal and triumph. Romans 8:28 states (NIV), "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." We can rest assured that even though there are trials, tragedies and hardships in life, if we live our life according to God's plans and purposes, He will work everything out in our life for good. Get ready to sit down, relax and enjoy this beautifully written book full of hope, encouragement and faith through the story of one family that overcame life's adversities through oneness in Christ.
Author, Theresa Franklin does a wonderful job in administering to the heart of families and encouraging families to stick together in love through this fictional short story. We all know what our lives look from the outside. But when we examine our family life from the inside, more than we like to admit, one will find dysfunction in the home. When we come to a place of acknowledging our sins and confessing them to God, God can work on our behalf. The author asks these important questions and urges us all to spend, "…time in front of God's mirror and try to see what those who know you best actually see? Are you a Christian? Have you accepted Christ as your savior?" In that, the author is asking, are you walking the walk and talking the talk? So many people profess to be Christians, but as Christians we should be exhibiting love, respect and service to our families in the home as well. If not, this book will lead the way to a new path of wholeness in Christ for families.
Driven by emotions, control, negativity, judgment and perfectionism, Cynthia is in complete denial of her behavior towards her family members. Severely affected, the husband is miserable, and her children avoid her as much as possible. Inevitably when there is dysfunction in the home, the author states, the stress can be measured in emotional and physical illnesses. Although the book is a fictional story, the author has described a very real and believable picture of how life is in our own families sometimes. The Owens family is torn from the inside out, due to stresses from the contention and discord caused by one family member suffering from deep emotional wounds caused from her own dysfunctional childhood.
This book is truly a blessing to families and the body of Christ. The author, through the use of scriptures and examples of family life, paints a wonderful picture of how life can be through the love and redemption of Jesus Christ. The author promotes family in this story of healing and encourages others, that "…love covereth a multitude of sins." Families will find solace and comfort through this book. Theresa's Franklin's writing style flows smoothly making for an easy read, keeping the reader fully engaged. This book will minister to all families that are "less than perfect." A highly recommend, encouraging read that will impact others for Christ. God can work in any situation, as the author illustrates, even the impossible ones.
Triumph Through Trial, A Story of Renewal By Author Theresa Franklin
Highly Recommended
10.0 on a scale of 10.0 stars
Book Review by CBM Christian Book Reviews