MAKING SENSE OF THE FAITH JOURNEY . . . Understanding faith and God's purpose in your life.
Pastor and author, Glen L. Gibson, releases: Not the Way You Thought It Would Be – that takes a look at what real faith is through a journey through the life of Abraham – the father of faith. Have you ever wondered what God's purpose in your life is and how to make it through the testing to true belief and faith in God? This book will help you understand what true faith in God is and what that looks like in reality. Many Christians have become disillusioned by the questions, the unknown, the unanswered prayers, the discouragement and delays. Come and learn that all these paradigms are nothing new and believe it or not, Abraham, walked through the same valley of the testing of faith as you find yourself in. You have not surprised God. He knew you and called you into His Kingdom, come and discover what it is to walk with God and to be a friend of God.
This book will catapult you from the old into the new realm of believing every promise that God has for you as a child of God!
In this new release you will discover:
- Understand testings of faith;
- Develop good relationships;
- Learn how to face change with purpose;
- Gain knowledge of God's divine plan for humanity and your life;
- Learn patience, perseverance and how to overcome failures;
- Gain insight into transitions and trusting God and
- Finish with faith.
A practical study guide is provided at the end of each chapter that can be used as a personal guide or within group settings.
Glen Gibson holds a B.A in Religion from Vanguard in Costa Mesa, CA and a M.A. in Theology from Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, CA He comes from more than twenty years experience as lead pastor of his church in Southern California to answer the many questions that arise as one travels the valleys and mountaintops of faith. His keen insight into biblical concepts gives practical application into understanding what faith is to look like according to the Bible. Sometimes it doesn't look like we want it to, but in reality, God is the author and finisher of our faith. Come and journey through the life of Abraham and be encouraged and inspired. Making sense of the faith journey is just what many of today's Christian's need to read.
For further information about the author and his book, visit Glen L. Gibson's blog. You may get your copy of Not the Way You Thought It Would Be at Amazon, in Kindle Edition, through Barnes and Noble and at NOOK Book.